It's summer. It's July and it is sunny and hot. These are the type of instructions we like to get!
... for Make Cycle 6, we want you …. to get out of the house.That’s right. Power down that laptop, grab your sneakers or walking shoes, and head on out into the Great Outdoors and continue to explore the public spaces that surround you. You may need to bring a camera or mobile device with you, so we acknowledge that you might not be completely technologically untethered.
The final Make Cycle for 2015, facilitated by the US National Park Service, is designed to encourage you to head outside to your local park, or greenway, or bike path, or museum, or library, or street corner, or wherever the public you are part of comes together, #FindYourPark and document that public space for this week’s Make Cycle. The focus for this cycle is on the cultural, historical and/or environmental spaces of our communities.A great idea! As usual, I would like to tie this activity to my own work at school. This is something I struggle with - how do I get students outside of the classroom when what I teach is technology?!
Some resources I found, shared in the Cycle #6 Twitter Chat, and would like to explore:
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