Saturday, June 27, 2015

Twitter Chat ONE #CLMOOC

I planned to lurk and that worked great for a bit.  However, there were so many interesting thoughts and ideas coming out of this chat that I decided to just jump in.  Again, I keep an eye to my own learning environments as I move through the #CLMOOC experience.

By the end of the chat, I needed some serious reflection time to sit (ala Pooh Bear) to think, think, think.  Some of the items I took to ponder:

  • How can we shake up the traditional introductions to have more depth, more interest, more engagement?  CLMOOC used the #untro, yet I think my students need something a little less obscure.
  • Is it better for students to be brought into creative (design thinking) gradually or thrown right into the "deep end of the pool"?
  • Do students feel excluded or is there an inequity when some know how to approach a problem before others?  How can our classrooms ensure all are comfortable trying, failing, succeeding, learning?
  • What about students who meet a challenge with thinking that is solidly "in the box"?  How to get them (can we) thinking along different avenues to find solutions?
  • Can we build in better moments to pause and reflect?  How best to do this in a Makerspace, for example?
This was great as I am really thinking about how to approach the new Makerspace next year to ensure it truly engages the students.  I'm looking forward to sharing these questions with my co-workers!

The Storify for the chat is available HERE.

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